Written and directed by Dimitri Gochgarian and Robin Veret
Poduced by REZ
Music by Seppuku Paradigm

World War I. A detachment of French soldiers is pinned down in their trench by a German sniper. The commanding officer is desperate to eliminate the threat, but his methods betray a disturbed psyche.

Written and directed by Dimitri Gochgarian and Robin Veret
Poduced by REZ
Music by Seppuku Paradigm

World War I. A detachment of French soldiers is pinned down in their trench by a German sniper. The commanding officer is desperate to eliminate the threat, but his methods betray a disturbed psyche.

Fantasia 2010 Short film selection - Montreal
After Dark Film festival Short film selection - Toronto

For more info check the official website www.delautrecotelefilm.wordpress.com


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